Thursday, February 16, 2006

Je Mange Grand

I don't speak French. I didn't learn it at school, neither have I attended any night classes. This is somewhat embarrassing considering I spend a good portion of my life in Northern France. Despite this, there is one French document which I can translate into English with no problems whatsoever. That document is a menu. I suppose it's where my interest lies.

I tend not to eat a lot of junk food. Mrs Lace and I don't buy in biscuits, chocolate or crisps. That's not to say we never eat them, but it's not often. We rarely go to fast food restaurants, and we tend not to eat processed foods, preparing our meals from scratch.

I eat healthy foods very regularly, very, very regularly. That's part of the problem. I've decided to set about solving this problem. Click here to view my sublog The Waist of Shoelace.


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